Saturday, September 29, 2007

Casinos in Mass? Why not?

Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA) has made the decision to allow 3 casino sites in Massachusetts as a way to drive revenue in the Bay State. This decision reverses previous regulations that have prevented the construction of casinos in the state before.

Though nothing has been etched in stone, it seems that the anticipated backlash from residents has made only but a quiet murmur. One site that voices the most opposition to this decision is

This site claims that the expected revenues tallied up by Patrick's financiers is missing some major figures.

The side that seems to be missing in the equation is the fact that these casinos would ultimately be costing residents more money too. In taxes, that is.

My biggest question here is: how do some people get a positive revenue when they do the math while others are seeing a negative revenue? If math is math then which camp is taking the correct values into account?

My hopes are that before this deal is signed sealed and delivered, before dotted lines are signed and checks are cut = Patrick WILL consult outside (UNBIASED) financial advisers for their separate estimates. I am hoping they will tally up the expected revenue if the 3 casinos were type 1, type 2, type 3 and all permutations/combinations of the above keeping in mind the specific areas the casinos will be built in.

Cause we all know that the almighty dollar is the bottom line here and this is hardly the BIG plan I would expect out of a grassroots mover and shaker like Patrick to make wakes in job creation sector. This is hardly about making jobs. If anything, this will only make 3 small local webs of jobs unless recruiting and moving is done. The latter is only likely if these are built on Native American Territories. These kinds of casinos may just be our worst nightmare in terms of taxes since the casinos would not be bound to pay the state any. That would mean we pick up the tab on the taxes generated by this cash cow. The dollars these casino "resorts on a plantation" can bring in... well think of how well they dry your wallet out...

Now, if we do the casino thing on our own turf - this wonderfully blue state (and I mean that dammit! I love the shade of blue here!) WILL have to spend a chunk of change setting up this protective barrier and that protective barrier so this doesn't happen and that doesn't happen. I'm not being specific because we can all probably name a million things off the top of our heads. Remember, even though these are just regulations and rules, each one comes with it's very own price tag (to the tune of lawyers fees... anything legal costs a lot of money... Legal Sea Foods had it right using "Legal" in the name of their restaurant)

I had this funny icky feeling this casino thing was a little too good to be true. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to smoke cigarettes EVERYWHERE at foxwoods... (although I should be quitting, my love-hate relationship with Phillip Morris is another story... ::sigh::)

I just hope this casino thing is done right. If not, it'll be a disaster.

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