Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Iron My Shirt Hillary - Video Comments from the dumbest of bricks...

Video Comments are the best...

Some from the conspiracy theorist crazies;

Listen to Hilary, "Can you turn the lights on? It's awfully dark here for everybody." Lights, camera, action, lets not miss anything. Totally staged event. Nothing is beneath the Clintons. Rally those women to come out and vote. Ha-ha!

The Clintons are disgusting people. This is one of the most obvious PLANTS I've seen since I was in a nursery. My god, this woman knows no low. Give it up, Obama is going to crush you simply because he is honest.

If you're the guy who was paid to do this, would you want you're face shown? I rest my case.

so obviously the guy knew there was someone filming him then

Sure does smell like a put-up job. Dovetails with an overall strategic refocus the past couple of days on Hillary's gender.

So its a radio show prank! LOL! That is GREAT! I thought Hillary staged it herself. There is no reason for any anti-Hillary protester to give her a reason for people to rally around her. She will do and say anything she can to get the sympathy vote. Yesterday it was emotion, today its sexism. These people will blow up their donkey symbol and blame it on the far right before this is over (ala the Reichstag)!

I'd be willing to bet my bottom dollar the Clinton campaign staged that.

What idiot would yell "Iron My Shirt"?

Not that the Clinton campaign hasn't done anything like that before or anything :)

BINGO!!! You said it! thats was staged! you're A GREAT THINKER MAN!

That was a plant, but nice try Hillary!

No doubt, a Clinton ploy to get a bump in her low poll numbers. Sorry Hillary, you have been exposed. You are a warmonging lunatic, and know one wants to vote for you.

I also believe this was staged.

There are many sexist men who still think this way. However, a man dumb enough to think this way would give his opinion from his armchair or the barstool. Guys who think like this don't make up signs and go protest.

Jesus that dude is fucking chunky. But hey, if Hillary wins, she can have the secret service help her with what would normally be a week-long chore.

You do realize that the Hillary campaign paid for that individual to do that right?
Set up the straw man and knock him down...

Was this another CNN plant?

That was a plant, extremely phoney, Hmmmmmm!!!! Says something about her campaign, think about it.

please...these guys are definitely plants to make it seem that hillary is facing sexism...her line was way too pat...and no one irons anymore anyway

By the way, nice acting on hillary part.


But will it earn her any extra votes?

Somebody hired that fat pile of shit. Probably paid him in pancakes.
There's no way anybody is that stupid.

Actually, Adolfo is that stupid.

Those dudes we're lucky they were able to walk out of their alive with all those women in the audience.

This is what we call a "planned event". it was all fake and drummed up by the Hillary team to attract attention because she is getting killed in the primaries. And it worked because they are now talking about her everywhere

Americans are sooo stupid. That guy was obviously a PLANT!!!!

OBVIOUSLY STAGED. Pay attention America, it was only to fire up female voters.

the idiot heckler probably saw all those photos and forums online regarding the "iron my shirt, bitch" poster held up at a feminist rally and decided to repeat that during her speech. did you see the shit eating grin on his face while he was walking out. he did this on his own accord, unoriginally i might add...
funny you mention the dude with the iron my shirt bitch sign at the feminist rally... If you take anything away from this let it be: Rich Shertenlieb is genius.

the so called not-for-profit hospital that michelle obama works for made a profit of over 143 million dollars last year. look up his pork barrel spending in illinois, or michelle's corporate layoffs to "improve efficiency" that devastated the town of lajunta, colorado. go here to find out. obamatruth dot org
would you want your president to be part of a "black only" church? go here to find out. tucc dot org
he said if he becomes president he will send troops to war in darfur!

I don't seriously believe that anyone got into that event with a sign that said "Iron My Shirt" without anyone knowing. This is bullshit just like those crocodile tears she shed to win the NH primaries. That's alright, let's see if that works a second time.

Hmmm.. (Think about this people) The last heckler I saw was at a Ron Paul speech, and he got Tazered. Isn't FREEDOM OF SPEECH so dead!

that is all he could do was say, "Iron my shirt?" obvious plant, you Americans are so predictable and gullible.

The Plant worked because Hillary won in New Hampshire... Similar guy telling Obama to "Pick Cotton in South Carolina". You can tell the guy was a plant because he repeated "Iron My Shirt" like a hundred times... idiots actually believe this crap!

I believe this was planted. If it were an average citizen shouting, he would have been tased and escorted out in handcuffs.

STAGED by Clinton Machine, if it was not he would have been stunned and than interogated and waterboarded

The listeners of “Toucher and Rich”- drive time radio hit (104.1 FM – WBCN ‘The Rock of Boston’) know this was the brainchild of hidden mic audio master Rich Shertenlieb who has bestowed his massive balls upon intern Nick and the TARD's favorite Mexican - Adolfo. The two (Nick and Adolfo, are the ones being escorted out of the auditorium. They very much love women and I am not sure about Nick but I highly doubt Adolfo would vote Dem let alone help Hill's campaign. This was for radio laughs and to piss people off... turned out the station would not let them talk about it or play the audio. The video was taken by someone who was clearly videoing the speech but caught the incident and isolated it into a clip for YouTube.)

Here are some comments of truth:


This was in fact not staged by Hillary. To find out the real culprits listen to Toucher & Rich on WBCN 104.9 in Boston tomorrow at 3-7pm. I'm sure they are going to talk all about it.


104.1 is WBCN. Oops


I think ive seen that guy before!!! Yeah! I have!!! He's sometimes up in BROCKTN', OR NATIC. I saw him getting bagged on RACKETEERIN' CHAAAGES! He had in his hand some red-drink and then stopped at a Local PIZZZA HOOOUSE. Then went back to his job as the Best dishwasher in the continental United states... So good in fact, they call him soapy!


He's not an ivy league campaign staffer. He's a 345 lb Mexican immigrant who cannot spell PEPPERONI for the life of him. It's Adolfo from the Toucher & Rich show on WBCN.
In re: to [artsylovelylady: That sounded staged! He didn't sound like a macho sexist guy at all. He sounded like an ivy league campaign staffer.]

Couple beers, no beers...chili

WBCN 104.1! Toucher and Rich!

The heckler is a disgusting glob of sloth

Adolpho and Intern Nick Rule!!!! Flippin hilarious!


hey guys, votes for THE GUNNER IN 08!!!

How about you retards get over it!
1. It was staged by a radio show in boston
2. It was meant to be a joke
3. It wasnt anything political
4. It was meant to be a joke
5. If you ever listened to the radio show they do this sh*t all the time so idiots like you can get all worked up

You people have no sense of humor - stop taking everything so seriously and live a little!

…there are also your off-topic but happy to take offense types…

Asshole, I have a brother in Iraq that I want to get home,There is no room for fucking jokes in times like these. A Joke? whats this Saturday Night Live? They had better get serious quick!

Im sorry to hear that your brother in Iraq is not home yet - What he is doing for our country is commendable! The post was never meant to be insulting and I am sorry if you were. The comments were directed at those who obviously have no idea where this all came from and thought it was a Clinton plant.
I understand how you feel about getting serious, but you have to find the humor in things sometimes to get through the hard times.

Good luck with your brother. Have a good day...

I thought it was funny. Its more of an inside joke for us Boston radio listeners. For those of you who don't get it, just google "iron my shirt bitch." Same guys, long running joke. And I laugh at the d-bags that think it was a Clinton plant.

To all those thinking they're plants, or typical Republicans, or protectors, they're actually Adolfo Gonzales and Intern Nick from Toucher and Rich on WBCN. Let's all bow down to Hillary for being a tough woman and moving on from this. Blah blah blah. Oh please! People need to take a fucking joke. National politics is ridiculous and anyone outside of Washington who takes it sooooo seriously should screw off. Live a little. Damn.

Jesus, that heckler's tits are bigger than Hillary's.

I don't care about the fact that she's a woman. I think she would be the best president for you guys. + Clinton is a respected name world wide, I remember when people used to like america in the 90s when Bill was president. / best of wishes from northern Europe

Then there are the women who got angry – this is the voice of women the audio bit had intended to capture…

Why the hell would they plant someone? Didn't you guys see what an uproar that planted question about the goddamn environment caused? Use your BRAINS people, Jesus Christ... I am seriously starting to suspect that there are a bunch of chauvinistic anti-Hillary crazies posting ludicrous comments together on all of her videos. Ugh.

and the retards with all the answers…
Danielle, do you really believe that two idiots like that could get past Hillary's heavy security with signs like that? IN THE FRONT ROW?? I've been to campaign rallies and they search you more thoroughly than at a military base. This was an obvious plant-- those guys could have never gotten up there like that, w/o prior approval from the Clinton campaign.

Yes Chucky, Hillary has armed guards outside of her speeches. And if you heckle you would normally be arrested or shot dead cause that kind of display of freedom would be inappropriate when the future Queen is speaking…. We are in America…. People are allowed to do this. It scares me how republicans assume that all systems should work so well that interruptions, issues and problems should not and can not occur…. Oh how dull and boring republicans can be… both in personality and bedroom skill…

Danielle, get real.
She's trying to show a weak side by crying, and now a stand up, tough as nails bitch. When else has she ever said, "Turn up the lights" to confront a heckler?
I can't believe you think this was genuine.
You really need to do some serious thinking about yourself, if you think this was genuine

I fucking want to punch that man in the face! Go back to the stoneage, pal!

she should've said a retort like. 'i'll iron your shirt, i'm a woman we multi-task 10 times more than men everyday.' or something self-effacing like 'i wouldn't be up here if i knew how to iron shirts.' but i suppose saying such statements may have alienated certain voters and it's better to play it safe.

….uhh No, such statements would have taken seriously an immature and lame attempt to piss her off… taking an attack like this seriously would show an inferiority complex on her part – one she clearly does not have. How she handled it was beyond mature and was truly tactful. I do feel sorry it upset you, though. Hill’s got thick skin.

And Lastly….

Gasp! Here is a sexist comment made by 96JUSTIN… this one actually pissed me off so I reacted. The reaction was too long to post as a YouTube Comment… the conundrum inspired this entire blog…

A woman in a position of political power is a sign of a countries weakness if you ask me. Im not sexist at all but politics is no place for women.

Actually, saying politics is no place for women is a sexist statement.

In reply to a sexist comment made below - it was an inarticulate & delusional man who has severely weakened our country. I think our biggest strength right now is going to be electing a competent candidate; Hillary. She is able to multi-task and do many jobs well, something women have an innate ability for. So she can't woo a crowd with Oprah's support or a booming voice that can get a crowd to chant a mantra - but, who even cares? Obama won't chant with us for 4 years or come speak to us personally after he is elected. We wouldn't need him to. We'd need him to go make those changes he promised and I'm not sure his grassroots campaign to get into the white house is going to help him clean up the mess that is in there. What I do believe is that Hill will understand the problems on her desk on day 1 and will get the ball rolling on all of them at once. She has not promised anything she can't do so I don't see her getting in there and worrying about how shell deliver on something she told America she'd do. America's strongest competency candidate in effecting change is Hillary Clinton. We can all unite and crap after our economy is back on it's feet. Imagine if a "Great Uniter" was elected in the midst of the depression to get them out of it... no one bonds when they're hungry and jobless.

Here is the video all this buzz is about – I posted it already but here it is for your convenience:

****Note: YouTube page "Citizen Jane Politics" is where you can see and participate in these reactionary comments. To do so follow link to YouTube video:

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