Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Undecided ’08 - Your Guide to Hillary or Obama

So, as you may know, yesterday Senator Ted Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama. Being a Hillary hopeful this caused me some anxiety. I wanted to know why.. and more so... what to do now..?

By talking with friends, listening to Keith Olberman/NPR, and ultimately deciding for myself: I was able to make up my mind quickly.

All of this talk made me realize: that this was just as shocking to many as it was to me. I won't speculate on why but what I did hear that was helpful in bringing me to my resolution was the following:

Barack Obama's ideals do match the Kennedys' while the Clinton democratic ideals vary in small and specific ways. It is also true that we (all democrats) want the same thing - something that works and something that is right.

The Clintons would say "what WORKS is RIGHT"

The Kennedys/Obama would say "what is RIGHT, WORKS"

Now it will be our own struggle between pragmatism and idealism to decide which candidate we support. I had to ask myself which mode is more important for me at this point in time.

By the way - I feel good that this is my "oh woe is me" right now as an American Democrat.


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