Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Best of... YouTube

This blog is dedicated to the 3 minutes of nonsense millions of viewers watch every day. The nonsense I speak of can be found on none other than YouTube. I watch it, you watch, grandma watches it... but why?

Well our obsession with Hollywood is an obvious factor.

Here is an example of a recent top-rated clip; Our fave, our friend... Britney:

And another example of a timeless Hollywood classic - ah yes, Miss Paris:

(ok so that was not the real video, gotta keep it clean here!)

So my real question is this: how come videos like this:

make the top views list? Ok, ok so it has that whole "sex sells" aspect to it...

but what about this one:


How did his vlog get so popular? I agree it is funny, but did he market it like crazy? Was it a slow word of mouth process? What is it that made so many individual web browsers discover Chris Crocker at the same time?

He uploaded this video 3 weeks ago:

His jump to fame happened so fast that the news of his upcoming TV show was SO last week...

To some there may be some actual reasons why some peoples personal web blogs and video pages get millions of hits and the rest of ours get a few uninterested yawns. To me it seems like it is sheer luck. But I do believe there has got to be some method to it that I am missing.

I'd love to understand the minds of you web-surfers out there. Someone, please tell me? Because I don't hear about these web-celebs until they make it onto TV...

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