I've posted a lot of blogs about this one topic so I decided to compile the archives from my myspace blog and put them here. Here is the blog I posted last year during an October retrograde cycle....
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Mercury Retrograde... ugh ....again
Current mood: aggravated
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Yes, folks, its that time again...
Mercury Retrograde starts back up on October 28th and stays in backward motion until November 16th (I believe)
Anyway, the details of this annoying period are in a blog I posted back in July (when this occurred last). In short; I warn against signing any legal documents or sealing any deals, starting a new job, applying for one (WHICH I AM IN THE FREAKING MIDDLE OF DOING!) if you can avoid it (WHICH I CAN'T!!)
Watch out for computer glitches, network shut downs, and other zany melt downs of communication AND travel.
Give yourself extra extra time to get from point A to point B and expect break downs on the road to cause freak traffic and detours. Keep your GPS handy as usual if thats how you navigate but - if that is how you navigate - i strongly suggest getting yourself a map book of your city and its surrounding cities (like i have hehe) or printing yourself the mapquest directions on paper with a printed map as well.
Try to carry-on your most important items as luggage does tend to get lost more. Proof read your emails and text messages (and thoughts before you speak them) because the words you say tend to be heard with a misconstrued meaning more often during mercury retrograde...
Now... as I often do - let's remember the positive:
Again, see below for more, but there are actually things Mercury Retrograde can be good for;
Research, Re applying for anything, Re negotiating anything, re-doing anything...
So - try to hold back on any new endeavors for now if you can. If you can't - review, research and re-something so you can atleast put a re- in front of it to justify that you've done everything you could to try to prevent your efforts from being resisted by forces out of your control...
Now... what I am nervous about: the vote on the 7th! The new electronic polls. These are WAY more likely to glitch in mercury retrograde than in mercury direct... ugh. At least with paper ballots they can be re-counted accurately...
Another thing; a little reminder of things that happened to me and to the rest of the world during the last mercury retrograde:
Myspace meltdown for over 24 hours that made me and my cousin Angela realize we needed rehab (haha jk - "mysmack - better than crack") Anyway, there had been a big power outage in LA due to heat and whatnot
My boss told me that accounting had given him a figure about how much grant money we had left and it was way off from what he thought we had (I research - we're all paid by grant funding - donations etc.) He sent this back for RE-view but meanwhile told me he may not be able to afford me come September... (upon review, I assume he found out the figure was wrong because I am still employed ... through December...)
The BIG DIG DISASTER... yes people - this was the hallmark freak event of the last mercury retrograde period: thousands of pound of concrete fell from the ceiling of a big dig tunnel and killed a woman. The tunnel and many of its neighboring ramps have been closed for review, repair, etc.... I am hoping that this mercury retrograde period will be a time to put the final touches on the repairing of the tunnel, the reviewing of who is responsible and all the re-re-ing thats been going on for months now... I mean - they kinda have to get something done since by the end of this next retrograde we will have a new Govorner - and the big dig issue has been tacked onto that position as the decision-making authority...
Just about everyone's computer network at work / email server went awry...
My cell phone (which was already temperamental) became possessed by the devil. I got a new one before Mercury had fully regained direct motion - it wasnt temperamental but it was possessed... 3 was a charm.
My cousin Angela's beloved digital camera that she protected so dearly got knocked out of her hand to its death in the north end when Italy won the world cup on her birthday ='( ....did I mention above that all electronic devices are in jeapordy of glitching - wait it out, be extra careful not to break them out of anger or carelessness (wear the wrist strap while taking pics) and - oh yeah - don't buy a new one. Your new tv could get delivered in the wrong color... you'll have to send it back and get it re-shipped and probably have to pay for it in money and /or aggravation.
Alright.... just a heads up...
Write me if you have any questions. I am pretty creative at finding ways around these things... but remember - during retrograde; always re-do things... stay patient! expect the pace of things to move slowly ...and take extra care during the middle week of the retrograde period: 11/4 - 11/11
and bring cameras with you when you go vote and take pictures and notes of ANY suspicious activity - this vote is GOING to be controversial... I promise. And when I say controversial I mean - system glitches - think Florida 2000 election
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Mercury Retrograde
Current mood: annoyed
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
It's that time again. Yes, Mercury has begun traveling in retrograde motion respective to the Earth. For those of you who don't know, this obnoxious period of time happens a few times a year for 2-3 weeks at a time. Here are some things that characterize this annoying period of time. These will affect everyone.
"Until July 28, Mercury will be in the Retrograde state -- a pattern of movement that is notorious for screwing up the flow of things, from traffic patterns to sensitive negotiations. In fact, many business people won't even make big decisions during this time!"
"...Mercury Retrograde [gives] us the sensation that things are moving in reverse. Since Mercury is closest to the Sun, its retrograde cycle is more noticeable to us than that of other planets and can feel more personal." (Taken from Tarot.com)
Note: Think full moon, but not emotional crazys, more like communication and travel annoyances and setbacks. Double check emails you've written because they might read differently than you intended. Give yourself enough time to get from point A to point B, and be patient with your cell phone freak outs, computers acting crazy etc.
Here is a word from KittyTaurus, writer of Celeb Astroblogy, which I am a huge fan of: "Please exercise extra caution over Independence Day. Mercury is stationing on a holiday when lots of people like to drink and set things on fire, so drive safely, and dont play around with fireworks."
Lastly, and most importantly, an article I have copied from CaliforniaPsychics.com =
How to avoid chaos and confusion this Mercury Retrograde (written by Maryam Henein Published: 07/03/2006)
Mercury's dominion is vast. The planetary muse rules a lot: communication, travel, contracts, technology, appointments and the written word. But when the planet goes retrograde (appears to reverse its course through the sky), things go a little wonky for us mortals. During Mercury Retrograde, don't be surprised if you encounter misunderstandings, confusion, frustrations, crazy drivers, angry people, computer glitches, and more delays.
Incidentally, Mercury Retrograde happens about three times a year for approximately three weeks at a time. This time, the awkward period unfolds between July 4, 2006 and July 29. And, because Mercury slows before coming to a halt, things can act up a few days before and after the actual turning point. Thankfully, things revert to normal on August 12, 2006.
Things aren't hopeless despite this phenomenon. There are some guidelines we can follow to prevent mayhem. One of the cardinal rules to remember during Mercury Retrograde is to not start anything new because chances are it will have to be re-done or revised. For instance, if you undergo a surgery in July, you'll likely have to repeat the procedure. No fun. Also, until Mercury goes direct, it's best if you don't make decisions that permanently lock you into future commitments. It is also wise to not make important decisions like "should I break up with my boyfriend" since it is very likely that misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking will come into play.
There are guidelines we can follow to avoid chaos and confusion, according to Maria Shaw, astrologer for The National Enquirer, Soap Opera Digest and Complete Woman, and the author of Soul Mates and Hot Dates. For instance:
Start anything new - job, relationship, class, etc.
Make important decisions
Buy computers, appliances, TVs, radios, etc.
Travel without back-up plans
Sign contracts
Buy a car
Expect things to move quickly
Take anything for granted
Negotiate a contract
File a lawsuit
Go on a "first" date
Now, obviously we can't stop living just because Mercury Retrograde has rolled around. There are things we simply can't avoid or put off. If this is the case, simply make sure you double check things and plan ahead. Re-read contacts, mail packages early, carry on your luggage if possible. Be extra careful and you will save yourself a lot of grief.
Meanwhile, we can still benefit from this time by making allowances for a symbolic "sleep cycle." These periods give us a chance to take a breath and review familiar territory. Similarly, this is a good time to reflect on second thoughts and miscommunications.
"We can still put this astrological aspect to good use. We just need to learn to work with the energy of mercury rather than against it," affirms Shaw. "Remember the "re" in retrograde. These weeks are good for redoing just about anything." Some of her "to-dos" include:
Reapply for a job
Redo hair color
Rewrite your resume
Review your bank account
Renew a loan
Repair your car
Re-contact past clients
As the We'Moon handbook states, Mercury retrograde is the time to "recall the now of the past and pay careful attention to underlying issues." And if things do get screwy, the best thing to do is roll with the punches.
Good luck and take care...and remember that this aspects affects will only last through July 29th. Mercury's retrograde speed will be highest during the middle of this transit so take heed especially around 7/15-7/18th. Mercury will slow to a stop after the 29th and then begin to regain speed in the forward direction. Mercury will regain its full forward momentum by August 12th.
Good luck people. Be careful. This one's over November 16th or 18th - I forget - but that doesn't matter because everything takes an extra 7-10 days to re-normalize as Mercury slowly gains forward motion, covering ground it had just traversed in back-pedal motion, and finally regains full direct motion. Things should start to improve mid November and increasingly fall back into normal mode by the end of the month.
~ Renee
just to keep all the mercury retrograde blogs in one place:
Monday, October 30, 2006
Mercury retrograde in scorpio (article)
Current mood: tired
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
From Californiapsychics.com
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio
Ways to Handle This Pesky Back-Spin
by Maryam Henein
Published: 10/27/2006 Send This Article To a Friend
Come this October 28, 2006, Mercury, the planet of quick wit and communication, turns retrograde once again. Before you stick your head in the sand and avoid living life for the duration of this period, it's worth understanding what this planetary phenomenon is really all about.
In simple terms "retrograde" means that a planet appears to be moving "backward" in its orbit, explains Ray Sette, psychic astrologer and author of The Planets Align So Rare. The planet doesn't actually stop and change direction. It's an illusion that has to do with the relative position of the Earth and the view of the planet from the Earth itself. "What affects us here on our planet is the "vibration" of the light and "energy" that travels toward the planet," adds Sette.
So when a planet does go retrograde, it really means that the properties of that planet are overturned. Since the eighth largest planet is associated with messages, commerce, travel and thievery, we can expect lovely things such as delays, traffic jams, misunderstandings and computer crashes. Signing on the dotted line is a no-no.
Obviously these things cannot always be avoided so exercise undue diligence. In other words, make sure you read the fine print and always have a plan B.
Also, one has to consider which sign the retrograde falls under. All areas of communication are affected but because the retro is in Scorpio, matters related to hidden things, sexual encounters, passionate commitments, jealousy, investigations become particular points of contention.
Here are some ways to make the most out of this pesky back spin:
Practice Awareness
Mercury retro in Scorpio brings about a sharp, sarcastic tongue. People generally tend to be stubborn, difficult to get along with and downright rude, explains Lynda Forbes, author of the Tarot of Recovery. This is because people are holding on to things and becoming resentful and highly combustible.
And considering Scorpio is a highly sexual sign, advances and sexually colored statements are also more likely to be misconstrued.
Therefore tune in to your emotions and when someone blows up at you, remember that it's an easy time to lose your equilibrium.
Dig Deep
Scorpios have a natural predilection for investigation. This water sign is good at uncovering hidden information, which is why you can make this time work for you. Look within and uncover your secret self, adds Forbes.
"Consider slowing down and think about what is happening in your life; where you are going. Here's an opportunity to gain insight into your own ego especially since Scorpio is the sign of transformation."
Mercury also sends us back to savor the lessons and joys of history. It's time to do what should've been done a long time ago, to visit people from the past, examine the soul, deal with unfinished work or unmet challenges, and get some needed rest and recreation.
Monitor your thoughts
During this particular retrograde our minds want to latch onto an issue and process it until it's done, no matter how uncomfortable. Therefore there is the likelihood of fixating and obsessing. However, we can also choose what to focus on. Contemplate re-evaluating your thought process and policing your dialogue, says Sette.
The first step, which is also the hardest when you are caught up in the emotion of the moment, is to identify that you're in a negative thought spiral. Using profanities and words like idiot, stupid, jerk, and disgusting can serve as clues. Pointing fingers is also not a good thing. Name calling and blame never lead to a solution.
Next, infuse a positive thought into your mind. Scan the room for something uplifting. Take a deep breath and allow more positive thoughts to drift in. Soon, you'll have established a positive thought pattern. This is when you can go back to the task at hand.
The emotional influence of Scorpio sharpens our instincts, but makes us less sympathetic. Secrets will come to light, often to the discomfort of those concerned. So it's good to remember that we change our life by changing our thoughts, says Sette.
The storm is finally over on December 5, 2006. As a rule Mercury turns retrograde three times a year.
See below blog for more info on mercury retrograde
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Mercury Retrograde "Best Of" Blog
Posted by
Brittany Perez Clinton-Obama
7:06 PM
Labels: mercury retrograde
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