Saturday, October 20, 2007

My Dream Analyses...

As you may have noticed below I am reposting blogs from somewhere else...

Yes, my blog - on myspace. Myspace doesn't archive blogs. As soon as your blog count rises above 10 they disappear. I don't like that. I have to compile old ones, copy and paste them and then delete... I like archives. I am glad I started to blog here.

Anyway, in going through my old blogs I found some great ones. Two (which I will compile here) are two examples of dream analysis I used to do on a message board when I had a lot more time to do it...

I am proud of them, though, and they are quite revealing. So without further ado; here:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

On dreams... and also on where Renee has been for the last month....
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I've been developing my spiritual talents etc etc...

More recently I've been interpreting dreams on this new little mystical place I've found online. I like this - it has been so rewarding. I thought I would share with people because they keep asking where I have been:


A 19 year old girl writes:

ok so here goes. i had this dream that was very disturbing to me. i am curiousis to what it mean.

i was in the house my mother was killed in which is also the house i grew up in. i was in the front of the house in a little room with crystal(my stepsister whom i dont talk to anymore) and avery( my cousin on my moms side) and he was smoking a crack piipe and asked me to light it for him. so i reached over a picked up a sparker thing for a kerosene heater and was going to when all of a sudden i heard a loud *kaboom*. i walked down the halllway to the back of the house to see what it was. the back bedroom that tony (the man who raised me as his daughter and also the man who murdered my mother) had turned into a getaway for himslr had blown up. i could see outside. i walked to the bathroom and saw that about a foot around the toilet the floor was missing but the toilet was still standing. i walked out side where i saw tony pull up in the driveway. i went over to the car and he said get in we have to pick your mom up from work so i got in the drivers seat and preceeded to back out of the driveway when tony2 and lisa(uncke and his wife i no longer talk to) pulled up. they got out of the car and asked me what was going on cause they heard the noise from their house which was like 20 mile away. so i explained and then we wwalked around the side of the house to look at the damage. the trees were blown down and there were pieces of wood laying everywhere. then we walked inside to assess the damage more. i pointed out that there was a big crack that went all the way down the hallway. then we looked at the back room. i followed them to the bathroom where i pointed out that the toilet could still be used but you had to be careful.

this is where i woke up. i am curious is to what this means.


She posted this in the dream interpretation section of an open forum of different things where people go to do tarot and learn tarot or psychic or astrology or runes or i ching etc etc

Others offered her some interpretation but they did not seem to help. They also told her she needs to seek therapy. This bothered me because she came there for help and I was glad for that and would rather not turn her away...

as others tried to interpret she would respond to them but no one seemed to hit home. I read her replies though and so here is more info i had and could use to work with for my interp.


well actually this just happened october 4th of 2006. i found out october 5th. if you are saying i should hang out with these people i dont talk to...i think you may be wrong...crystal is the one who told me my mom deserved what she got..and tony2 is saying that tony didnt mean to do it and we should forgive him and act like nothing happened. and i have ran. i movd 600 miles away to get away from it does urk me that his passes all things off as not mportant. evemn after he killed my mom he acted like life was normal and didnt seem to care. he still awaiting trial out on a $50,000 bond which also urksme....drug dealer get a larger bond. they said he isnt a treat to society..i dont know...


So then I interpret:


ok - so...

looking at this more i can see what others have suggested as meanings...

but let us explore...

1. You are on your front porch.

Porch is your openness to a situation or to people. Whatever happens here becomes public. Here your step-brother smokes a pipe you light for him... were you also smoking the pipe? Have you done any drugs recently? Are you hiding that you are doing drugs for shame that this is the road you should know not to go down because of the destruction it has caused?

Or- if not - then this is a clear indication of some other self destructive force or openness to self-destruction (as "self" is the home..) I do not mean this says you destroyed yourself - it means you are open to self destructive behavior or thoguhts or even the destructive influence of another or others right now...

Could someone new be in your life? Is he or she a bad influence? Or are they good and you know this but you can't relate to them because of your inner turmoil or your secret self destruction... is it not so secret? Do you kid yourself to think people don't know the lies you tell them or yourself?

2. So you light the pipe and -poof- something explodes... the events seem unrelated. I read it and thought a powder keg erupted but the way it happened was like a simultaneous explosion... as if the negative force of the intruder in the back door made this happen and all you had to do was be convinced to light a spark....

Are you being manipulated into ways of thinking?

Or are you blaming others for things you are angry about? The things you anger about could be not the fault of anyone, you know? Or they could be a mixture of things that came together in an unfortunate way... but the figure in your back hallway of your stepfather seems to signify a direct link... him to your subconscious fears....

3. The explosion - You light something and an unexpected explosion occurs... did you feel you did it? If so is there part of your life you want to destroy? I don't know - it seems that you say your stepfather did this so do you see him as the person who has destroyed the foundation and inner subconscious of your life? Have you seen him to be the person who put a crack into the foundation of who you are? Do you blame him for self destruction you now live in?

4. Himslr - still not sure who this means - but if it is who I looked up - how do you see this figure to have impacted your home country? More importantly - if this is who I looked up then here you see two neighboring countries with an intimate historical past whose relationship becomes affected by this politcal figure in a way that escalates aggression... do you blame your stepfather for the aggressive nature your step family has taken toward you or do you feel aggressive toward them? Depends how you see this person you reference here...

5. Ok... now... so i looked back and saw you wrote that a gateway blew up and not a direct explosion started by tony but its as if he set it up to happen that way... ok i dont know the events surrounding your mothers death - but i do know it was very recent. you must feel angry, sad, and a number of other emotions...

But let us look more - so what is interesting is you were unharmed in the explosion but your house was - notably the back of the house... (your subconscious, psyche and foundation - as in the past how you were raised etc...)

6. So, you examine the damage - there are big gaping holes... the holes may represent instability in the foundation you were raised before this Tony was a factor... but soon he pops into the dream... says come with him to pick up your mother, you are going to drive or do for a minute. So I ask, was Tony trying to help but only hurt the situation? Do you feel somehow that you are to blame too? If so, or if people make you feel as if this is so, then please consult someone to talk to this about like a therapist or a wise woman who knows nothing of your past and is only willing to listen objectively... you need a voice of reason to help you heal and where you can cry. Everyone feels guilty when someone they love dies... I hope you do not...

7. So here come your step relatives. They seem nosy... are they butting into the picture now that disaster has struck? Do they say things like "I told you so?" as if they want to make sure you know they did not approve of things that were going on from the beginning but now they are here to do their duty and pick up the mess that happened... don't let their thoughts and words make you feel guilty or bad. If they are negative to you it is good you broke away from their voices...

8. You look with them to see the damage some more... you note a long crack all the way down the hallway like you didnt see it the first time you looked at the damage after it happened... so again I see you looking at your past from a NEW perspective in the future (front of house) and with more objectivity (after the fact and after leaving house and re-entering) and i see you looking at it from a different perspective. This dream is encouraging you to revisit this trauma in order to heal.. like it is saying "what cracks or inconsistencies were there in your upbringing or the years before this trauma that were not good but were easiest to deal with if they were not addressed and simply ignored..?" There were problems, yes... and they were not your fault - and if they were anothers fault - then there were cracks in theirs as well - and it is up to you to heal yourself because you can...

9. The toilet... yes i agree a positive image... in a way...

because the toilet urges you to rid yourself of your emotional trauma - still standing says you can do this - the toilet still works... in fact you want to. Maybe you have always wanted to get the troubles and problems out and talk and you feared it because you had to be very careful... careful not to either: a. upset balance of a very unstable situation or b. fall into the abyss yourself...

but here in the dream your subconscious tells you - you can still use it if you are careful...

and maybe it says - you can still heal yourself and carefully rid yourself of the emotional burdens you carry and desire to get rid of...

10. On a final note I should mention there are cracks in the way, no? Make sure that if you are frustrated in some way from ridding yourself of these burdens that it is not because you are psychologically avoiding them by a. lies and denial you tell yourself and/or others b. subconscious fears or guilt or emotions that never got addressed before so now they act out in anger and take it out on yourself by putting yourself in the exact danger that the lessons at hand would teach you to stay away from...

and 11.... if this is the case then those cracks and that toilet are also saying something negative at the same time. they show you that you are in denial that if you take the same risks you have seen can lead to destruction that if you are just careful about it then you wont fall into the abyss and cracks that surround the toilet... but this is only the case if you go there to release emotions in a negative way - like through escapism methods of drugs or denial

another quick note: 12. the step-brother with crack pipe - he could represent some new person in your life... maybe i mentioned a bit above - just be sure you or anyone else is not influencing you right now because you need to make your own decisions now. and you do need love so accept the positive help of people who you know love you and care about you and please talk to someone about all of this... you need to rid yourself of the negative feeling - and to do that it is scary because it means you have to feel it and become aware of the truths of it... and then... you can release them...

i hope this has helped... please let me know if there are any more pieces of information you have for me that i can maybe help you with.

my dear girl, i am so sorry for your loss :'-(

i am very sad for you and i hope that you find peace - truly, I am going to say a prayer for you... and i will continue to pray for you


She replies:

Wow! You have told me my whole life in just a few paragraphs.

In reply to the part about the I have not done any drugs in over 5 years. I am thinking that it may be more of the self destructive thing. I hold a lot of guilt for what happened. I feel that I could have and should have done something. There is a part of my life I would like to desroy. The part when everything happened. I wish I could because I don't like feeling the pain. I wish I could find a way to get rid of the pain but I know that can not happen. Himslr: this is where I mested up typing. I was refering to my step father. Tony was always a factor. He came into my life when I was 2 and was the only father figure I have ever had. I always called him dad and felt as if he was my dad. I do feel that it is somehow my fault. I should have seen some kind of warning signs. I dont believe it is others making me feel this way. I think it is more myself making me feel like that. They have never said "I told you so" but Tony's mother did tell me that "it was all my mom fault and she made him do it" the day after it happened. His family never liked my mom. They accepted her because they had to but they are all happy she is gone. My step sister even told one of my friends that "she got what she deserved".

You said you are not sure of the story behind my moms death. I can tell you. On October 4th Tony hit my mom in the head with a brass candle stick holder and broke her neck. She was sleeping when it happened. He hit her 3 times. Then at about 9am when her work was calling everywhere to find her, Tony's father and daughter went knocking on the door. They found him just as he had just taken a bunch of pills. He then threw them up. He went to the hospitol and stayed there for a few days until he was arrested. The police have been keeping me up to date on any new information. They have been very good to me. Tony was let out on a $50,000 bond the next day. He has been indicted by the grand jury. He is now waiting for the trial but that wont be until sometime in the fall. They have to wait for the phorinsics to come back. He has plead not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect.

Thank you. Everything has helped me in more ways than one.


i reply:

i am so glad i helped

i am so sorry for all the circumstances surrounding the situation

somehow i sense a little bit of relief maybe... but in the sense that you *feel* yourself moving toward your own form of closure... in a sense i guess we can call it * healing *

The closes with sensitive new skin covering which gives way to stronger skin where a scar is always the memory - it can still be seen freshly but the wound is no longer open now to possible outside infections that make it worse... my analogy means to say - you are relieved the worst is behind you...

you have lived a lot for such a young age. and thanks for the feedback it helps me understand and develop this intuitive helper healer thing i want to do

(ps - this full moon + total eclipse in virgo is a great time for healing:

if anyone is interested see link -

Take care dear and please update if you any more dreams that you need help with

~ Renee


she replies:

..> ..>

Thank you so much Renee. And by the way, that is my middle name! Coincident! I am finally starting to heal.


Helping her really meant a lot to me.

I've also been getting a lot of dream interpretation requests and I've been able to sort out better that I'm not making these things up.

Like one lady who dreamed about an oragami craft fair and a man kissing her and i interpreted it to be a lot of circumstances regarding her job...

This has been cool and this is where I have been so I am sorry if you've missed me and I wanted to give you an update.



Monday, March 12, 2007

more dreams...

A dream entry from 19 (or 16 i forget) year old boy from england :

Ok, now this dream has to be my most interesting one that i've had for a while.

In real life I am gifted, no one in life knows about my gifts except many people who are online.

It starts of with me trying to prove to someone who is a friend in my dream my gifts. I show her things such as the ability to move things without touching them. She believes me instantly. Yet I feel the need to show her the true extent of my gifts. I tell her to go into her car and to start driving. So she does. I then run after her, she isn't going that fast. I symbol to her to unwind her window which she does. I run up along side her and tell her to drive a litttle faster. I then start flying as shes driving faster, I play games such as flying faster then her and flying infront of her and I grab hold of the car at the very top so I am lying on top. I tell her to stop steering the car and let go of the steering wheel but continue with break, clutch, acceleration. I then take the car into my own control steering it down a very thin street which the car barely fits down. The girl doesn't understand how I could do that when she couldn't do that herself being a new driver and all. I then tell her to take her feet of the peddles and let me control the car from up the top. I take the car into full speed, about 100 mph and go up some stairs in it and speed down the street. I do not realize but a police car is there and it sees us. It starts chasing us, so I slow the car down and tell the girl to take over the controls and drive it normally, stop if she wants. She goes right into a side allley. I take control of the police car and slow it down and slowly put it into a lamp post as not to hurt anyone but to damage the car. The police man is unaware of what I have done to his car and phones up a police sargent saying that there is a car on the run and his car lost control. He walks into a cafe which is next to the lampost and tells the sargent the number plate and description of the car. I take the walky talky off the policeman and put on his voice and tell the sargeant. I am sorry, I said the numbers wrong and change a few numbers around and recite them in the wrong order. I then log the call off.

The police man who had the walky talkie, I give it back to him and tell him not to call anyone. He asks why he gave the call so easily over to me and how I did that voice call. I take him to the window of the cafe where we can see an isolated part of the village. Nothing but an empty street with a water feature and a rubbish can. I tell him to watch the rubbish can; which slowly wobbles and then suddenly falls over. I then explain to him, that the car wasn't being driven by the people inside, that it was me and my gifts on the outside. That I was telling my friend to see and show her the true extent of my gift and that i was practising to tell her the full extent so that i could show and tell mum just the very basics.

He doesn't believe my gifts are strong enough to do something such as that and to show him something else. He tells me that the bird on the water fountain should have a drink in his hand. The bird is a part of the fountain, a stone bird that used to have a bottle in his wing advertising a drink. I didn't know this and tip the bird into the water so it appeared that the bird was drinking, using my gift of spiritual sight I go under the water and make the bird clasp hold of this very small bottle which is what the police man was talking about. I then take the bird out of water still clasping this bottle and say out loud to the police man that the bird things drinking is wrong and make the bottle fly over the birds back and away from the fountain. The police man then said that can I show him something else. So using my eyes and mind gift I pick the bird off the fountain and make it fly. I go slowly and swiftly to mimick how a bird would truely fly. I then place the bird back onto the fountain and say. How can a bird of stone fly? Do you believe me now. He then says that he is sorry he ever doubted me and says that he will tell the police sargeant that it is a false warning and helps me find my friend.

I start walking with him along the roads and I tell him that I feel so alone. He asks why and I explain that it is as though I am the only one in the world who has gifts and abilities like this. That I am unable to use my gifts as people would think I am crazy or something. He says that he agrees I probably am unique in having such powerful gifts, but if I search hard enough that I will find others and until I find anyone else to just be careful where and how I use them and to count myelf lucky. Thus the dream ends.

In Real life, I am gifted, not as much as in my dream. I have always felt like an outsider because of my gifts and have denied them and having them. My mum is highly skeptic, as are most people I know. Therefore I had to keep my gifts to online. My gifts due to me denying them have kind of faded. I did used to have stroing remote vision and t.k. I probably still do but do not use my gifts any more and have probably forgotten how. But, I am not sure.

Thank you in advance for reading this and to anyone who can translate


In truth the boy who posted the above is extremely gifted and in past lives has been part of one incarnation ending and a new one beginning.

he likely was there during the fall of atlantis and was a survivor but couldnt help everyone else who survived - i went into detail when i translated this and his other dreams but i wont here - ill just say there are some really gifted young mystics on this board and i enjoy coaching them via dream therapy.

here is another dream by him which i loved even more:


Ok, I rarely post dreams here, but thought i'd post some of my own as i've had some really interesting ones.

It all starts off with me and a group of about 7 of us from about 12-20 years old around a cauldron mixing some weird potion that a villager lady had given us. The reason we are making this potion is because me and 4 others of the 7 had a vision of these monkey men coming to get us. None of the villagers had believed us except the 2 that had joined us and the few of us that had the vision. The old lady must have semi believed us as she handed us the potion. Anyway, in the potion go many plants and a big chunk of lime stone. The group ask me to take some of it in a bottle and run as fast as I can to the local club, which is a place thats very empty with a few sofas and a bar. The lady is at the bar and I tell her to taste some to tell us if it tastes right. She drinks the whole lot that is in the bottle and tells me it doesn't taste 100% proper but similar. It takes a lot more then that to make someone go invisable though. Just then a monkey man smashes into the club and starts killing many other monkey men join in. They are like apes that can walk and even talk! I run as fast as I can back to the others and tell them that it's either now or never we have to take the potion as the monkey men are here! We all drink as much as we can of this stuff and it seems to be working. We run into the big house which is apparently my house and hide in different locations. A while later I notice that I'm not totally invisable, that Only parts of me are and that i'm very see through translucent. The monkey men strike our house and they see me and a couple of others. I run ducking and diving past windows so not to be seen. I run into the feilds due north as fast as I can by the time I am near the gate exit of the first field I am nearly fully visable. 3 fields later of running another girl is running with me. The next field and there are now 3 of us. We continue running through many fields even climbing over fences and hedges reguardless of the fact of getting hurt by them never changing from due north direction. We arrive at a small bungalow in a very open yard I tell the girl who we meet that we have been running for 3 days and have been chased by monkey men. A man then comes into the driveway who had gone to get petrol (her father) she explains to him, he sits at a table and she shows the other 2 around. I tell the man that they are heading in this direction. I am not sure if they are really heading in this direction but I say it anyway as a warning. A couple of hours later I see through the fence of an ajoining property a que of village folk who are all crowded. I ask them what the problem was. They said that the village was under attack. I in turn tell the man and girl and the girl brings out her grandma, I tell the other villagers there is no time that we must flee. So the villagers old and young all start going west as I directed them to. The old getting left behind and the young running as fast as I can. Some children see thousands of common worms also fleeing the place and follow them. They are heading in a north west direction. I am carrying the girls grandma, unable to run that fast due to the weight of her. I ask the man quietly if he can run with the weight of her and he says no. I am then in a position of knowing that I can only run fast if I don't have her and if I keep going this slow that I will end up dead. I stop and realize the truth that "worms head towards noise such as rain" the man and daughter stop also but I do not know where the other 2 are. I tell them that this is a trap and we must head due west not north west. The worms are leading us to danger.I let all the other villagers go the same direction and tell the old lady to go with them saying that they willl lead her to saftey that we have a job to do. The 3 of us run as fast as we can due west. We hide on a hilltop where we can see the villagers where they are running. Not far behind them we notice some monkey men, not many though. But in a distance infront of them is a big trap with lots of machines and many monkey men. They were in danger and I felt so guilty of letting the old lady go but knew that we would end up dying if I was carrying her as we needed to run fast. The monkey men were taking over the whole world, we all knew it. Yet I seemed to be one of the very few who no matter what kept on running into danger before it came but always survived.

That's the end of that VERY long dream. If anyone can translate it i'd be greatful....

The monkey men were wearing clothes. It was a norm temp warmish day. Slight pale atmosphere. The monkey men were heavilly armed and quite fast. A lot stronger then the human kind who were in danger.

Funny how I lead others into danger in my dreams but always keep behind 2 people to run with me and lead 2 to saftey.

Thank you in advance.


and then i knew all this about him and atlantis and why he is here

i wont get into some crazy 2012 stuff ive been reading cause this is myspace and i feel like its a little too deep for that.

ill post one more dream by another boy who was born in 1986 - he has healing hands kind of like adam the dream healer but maybe not quite as naturally gifted as adam - because that would be rare. from this boys dream, however, i knew he had healing hands...


hiy, when i was younger around 5-8 years old i use to have a reaccuring dream. i would be stood at the top of my staircase and i'd walk down a few stairs then i'd float down the rest. the weird thing was it was always in black and white, but thinking back i cud sense and see that i had a white aura-like field around me. just wondering if anyone could help me out on this one.



i replied:

before i interpret i need a few more details...

1. do you recall when you were younger being able to see the color of someone's aura? if so can you still? do you block it out?

2. do you remember hearing voices of otherworldy or being aware when younger?

if not this was not a dream telling you to develop a mystical gift but i find it odd you remember a dream from so long ago this much...

well maybe not. come to think of it i can remember 2 dreams from that young a recurring and a nightmare in a way

but ill interpret anyway

one thing is that when you are so young the messages are geared toward a young age in development and i dont know if this would apply anymore

also as in astrology and psychotherapy and tarot etc etc interpretations for a young mind are different from your mind now

so just let me know if those questions apply and if not ill just do a rudimentary young dreamer analysis... it will be my first one, in fact


he replied:


thanx for the reply

i'm sorry i really cannot remeber wether or not i was able to view peoples aura but i am now able to, i dont see them all the time but on some occasions they appear to me without me even trying to view them.

also i am unable to remeber wether or not i could hear voices from otherworldy but what i do know is that i have had a very strong interest in things spiritual and psychic i.e ghosts, divination etc from a young age.

the dream sticks in my mind as it was weird but not one bit frightening.

hope ive helped u out abit more lol



i replied:

oh great!

that was the answer i was looking for - do you know that seeing the aura is an amazing talent and you have much resource to heal that can be tapped into?


he replied:

i wasnt aware that it was a great talent or may be tapped into for healing. i dont see auras on regular occasions but i am able to when concentrating. i can remember seeing that my dog had a red aura, protruding 2 inches around his body. i can also remeber a time whilst i was sat down talking to a friend, out of nowhere all i could see is this white light around the whole of her body and as she moved her head and other body parts this aura field? followed.

i have been told by a friend who was learning clairevoyance that i had healing hands but didnt understand fully on what he meant.


i replied:

Please read this book:

"The Path of the Dream Healer - My Journey Through the Miraculous World of Energy Healing" written by 'Adam'

He also wrote the book "Dream Healer"

He is known as "Adam the Dream Healer"

He is close in age to you actually.

You will feel as if this person is a long lost relative when you read his book. It will help you understand why you are here.

If you put your hands on an aura that you can tell seems damaged or sick you may know that you are able to manipulate it back into healthy shape and form... have you ever tried this? Maybe on your dog? Animals are the easiest patients to practice on.

One my dog gave herself whiplash on her leash she got so excited when company came over. She was very hurt and we didnt know what to do. My aunt Karen had come to the party though and Karen did reikki on my dog and she felt better and stop screaming and yelping as she was doing before.

I was inspired by this and want to learn reikki some day.

You are lucky to be a natural. Once you learn what you can do - I imagine you will see a lot of joy come from this innate talent.


....i still sshould interpret the dream but he was so young that i cant - i see what it was telling him was that he can see auras and he should tap into this to use his talent to heal

the world is going to need more healers in years to come, i would imagine...


hmm thats all for today i should really interpret some more dreams for a little then take a run...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

myspace keeps 'em...maybe you didn't see the "Older" link towards the top on the left when you are viewing it.

WTF are you reading about?

WTF is America Watching Now?